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Group coaching, conferences, training, skills development programs

Collective services

Emotionally intelligent communication

Integrate communication tools resulting from the understanding and mastery of Emotional Intelligence skills.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Emotional intelligence and effective management of oneself and others

Our ability to perceive, understand and manage both our own emotions and those of others is the key to our personal well-being and our professional effectiveness. Our emotions are our greatest wealth but can also be the source of most of our difficulties.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Manager coach

For managers wishing to integrate coaching tools to develop the potential and skills of their employees.

For more info, click here

Conference animation

To inspire, motivate, stimulate ...

Both on personal and professional themes, give a boost to your teams, your organization, your community!

Change, obstacles, performance, stress, letting go, accidents of life, emotions, communication, relationships, family, couples, life, suffering, death, hope, time, despair, gratitude ...

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Get in touch

Conducting meetings effectively

Acquire the preparation tools and techniques in order to be in full possession of the means to effectively lead meetings.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Successful public presentations

Knowing how to prepare, acquire the skills of know-how and know the anti-stage fright tips to give free rein to your authenticity and succeed brilliantly in your interventions in public.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Stress management and well-being at work

The goal of this cycle is to integrate strategies, attitudes and knowledge in order to acquire more serenity and to free us from the stress which destroys our mental and physical health as well as our efficiency at work.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Group coaching
Séances de coaching de groupe

Principles of group coaching:

The coach responds to individual requests one after the other, and manages time to ensure that each request is the subject of one or more sequences during the program. All the participants can intervene during the sequence. The cases treated are a source of enrichment, often spectacular, for each and everyone.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Coaching de groupe

Beyond the transmission of knowledge, techniques and tools, a large part of the added value of my training interventions is based on the process of integrating skills in coaching mode.

Knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills are thus developed in parallel for an optimal result.

Emotional intelligence
and effective management of oneself and others

Our ability to perceive, understand and manage both our own emotions and those of others is the key to our personal well-being and our professional effectiveness. Our emotions are our greatest wealth but can also be the source of most of our difficulties.

Business leaders or team managers.
Anyone who has to deal with emotions for themselves or for others.

Expected results :
Understanding the mechanisms of emotions
Identify and assess your emotional skills
Identify your style of communication and leadership
Become aware of the impact of the emotional climate on performance
Learn to develop your emotional skills
Learn to use your emotional skills

Short and medium term benefits:
Better management of emotions and stress
Better inter-personal communication
Leadership improvement
Improved performance and productivity
Reduction in turnover

Axes and methods:
Presentation of scientific bases
Identification and assessment of basic skills
Practical cases on real situations - Role plays
Presentation of tools and training in their uses
30% theory, 70% practice
6 to 8 weeks after the seminar, 2 hours of skills integration follow-up meeting.

Supports provided:
FYC Memo Cards
Personal online space for skills development

Training process:
1 day in person

Group coaching session
8-week skills integration training program
6 to 8 weeks after the seminar, 2 hours of skills integration follow-up meeting

Number of participants :

6 to 12 (group coaching in groups of 6)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Emotionally intelligent communication

Integrate communication tools resulting from the understanding and mastery of Emotional Intelligence skills.

Anyone wishing to improve their interpersonal communication.

Expected results :
Develop an effective relational style
Develop an "assertive" language to assert yourself while respecting your interlocutor
Turning reviews into useful information
Develop a sense of empathetic listening
Promote positive and constructive exchange
Manage conflict situations

Short and medium term benefits:
Reduction or elimination of misunderstandings
Upstream detection of potentially conflicting situations
Reduction in processing times for cases and disputes
Reliability of solutions found and implemented
Improved performance and productivity

Axes and methods:
Identification of key points
Development of a methodology
Coaching support on real issues for participants

Supports provided:
FYC Memo Cards
Personal online space for skills development

Training process:
1 face-to-face days
1 group coaching session (2h30 per session)
Prerequisites: have completed an IE skills development training

Number of participants :

6 to 12 (group coaching in groups of 6)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Intelligence émotionnelle
Conducting meetings effectively

Acquire the preparation tools and techniques in order to be in full possession of the means to effectively lead meetings.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Company heads or team managers.
Anyone who needs to lead meetings.

Expected results :
Know how to prepare and prepare participants for a meeting
Know how to organize or delegate logistical aspects
Adapt a methodology to its mode of operation
Knowing how to set the rules and lead a meeting
Knowing how to get the most out of everyone

Short and medium term benefits:
Time saving
Reduction or elimination of misunderstandings and oversights
Reduced stress and frustration
Better involvement of participants before, during and after the meeting
Improved performance and productivity

Axes and methods:
Identification of key points
Development of a methodology
Presentation of tools (checklist, document models, online personal space)
Coaching support on real issues for participants

Supports provided:
Document templates
FYC Memo Cards
Personal online space for skills development

Training process:
1 day in person
6 group coaching sessions (2h30 per session) over 6 weeks

Number of participants :

6 to 12 (group coaching in groups of 6)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Manager coach


Manager wishing to integrate coaching tools to develop the potential and skills of his employees.

Expected results :
Use precise and rigorous pedagogical methods of solution-oriented support
Master the basics of management

Have integrated Coaching tools and intervention methods
Understand the profession of Coach: its philosophy, its positioning, its fields of application, its challenges

Short and medium term benefits:
Empowerment and empowerment of employees

Better interpersonal communication

Reduced stress and frustration
Better involvement
Improved performance and productivity

Axes and methods:
Identification of key points
Development of a methodology
Presentation of tools
Coaching support on real issues for participants

Supports provided:

FYC Memo Cards
Personal online space for skills development

Training process:
3 face-to-face days
6 group coaching sessions (2h30 per session) over 6 weeks

Number of participants :

6 to 12 (group coaching in groups of 6)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Manager Coach & ADR
Successful presentations in public

Knowing how to prepare, acquire the skills of know-how and know the anti-stage fright tips to give free rein to your authenticity and succeed brilliantly in your interventions in public.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Business leaders, team or project managers, salespeople.
Anyone who must intervene in front of an audience.

Expected results :
Know how to prepare in substance and in form according to the target audience
Knowing how to prepare emotionally and manage stage fright
Knowing how to manage the audience
Knowing how to anticipate and manage sensitive issues
Getting your message across

Short and medium term benefits:
Reduction of stress and frustration of stakeholders
Improvement of the company's image
Time saving and better impact
Improved performance and productivity

Axes and methods:
Identification of key points
Development of a methodology
Presentation of tools (checklist, document models, online personal space)
Coaching support on real issues for participants

Supports provided:
Document templates
FYC Memo Cards
Personal online space for skills development

Training process:
1 day in person
6 group coaching sessions (2h30 per session) over 6 weeks

Number of participants :

6 to 12 (group coaching in groups of 6)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

Stress management and well-being
at work

The goal of this cycle is to integrate strategies, attitudes and knowledge in order to acquire more serenity and to free us from the stress which destroys our mental and physical health as well as our efficiency at work.

Expected results :
Understanding the mechanisms of stress
Identify the different types of stress
Identify personal stressors
Integrate constructive thinking strategies

Using emotional regulation through mindfulness

Learn to control your cardiac coherence

Develop a general priority management strategy

Short and medium term benefits:

Better stress management

Better physiological and emotional hygiene

Improved general health

Improved performance and productivity

Reduction of relational tensions

Axes and methods:

Presentation of scientific bases

Identification and assessment of basic skills

Practical cases on real situations - Exercises

Presentation of tools and training in their uses

30% theory, 70% practice

personal action plan

Supports provided:


FYC Memo Cards

Personal online space for skills development

Training process:

1 face-to-face days

4 group coaching sessions (approximately 3h / session)

Number of participants: 8 to 10

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For more info, click here

PEP & Gestion stress travail
Contact collectif



Tel France : +33 781 495 485

Tel Portugal : +351 910 503 316

Tel Tunisie : +216 23 524 999

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